Smart Education is proud to announce that we are organizing the “TOEFL Best of the Best Awards” for the 3rd consecutive year!

 What are the TOEFL® Best of the Best Awards?


  • TOEFL Junior Best of the Best Awards
  • TOEFL Primary Best of the Best Awards
Our Purposes
  • To recognize and reward students who achieved excellent results in the TOEFL YSS assessments
  • To encourage more schools to adopt the TOEFL YSS Assessments for learning model to develop students' English skills
Judgment Criteria

Score in TOEFL Junior Standard Test/ TOEFL Primary Reading & Listening Test

Score in TOEFL Junior/ TOEFL Primary Speaking Test

Age of student

 List of Awardees

2022 TOEFL Junior Best of the Best Awards in Hong Kong (Listed in no particular order):
Code School Class Name
TJ01 Baptist Lui Ming Choi Primary School 浸信會呂明才小學 5A Ke Tsz Ki
TJ02Buddhist Chan Wing Kan Memorial School 佛教陳榮根紀念學校6ATang Pak Fai
TJ03Buddhist Lim Kim Tian Memorial Primary School 佛教林金殿紀念小學6ELee Athena
TJ04C.&M.A. Chui Chak Lam Memorial School 基督教宣道會徐澤林紀念小學5ACheng Chin Kiu Anky
TJ05C.C.C. Kei Wan Primary School 中華基督教會基灣小學6CLau Cheuk Yin
TJ06C.C.C. Kei Chun Primary School 中華基督教會基真小學P.6Yeung Sum Yi
TJ07C.C.C. Wanchai Church Kei To Primary School (Kowloon City) 中華基督教會灣仔堂基道小學(九龍城)5FLee Man Hei
TJ08Chinese Y.M.C.A. Primary School 中華基督教青年會小學6AChan Yuk Yee Fiona
TJ09Ching Chung Hau Po Woon Primary School 青松侯寶垣小學5AWang Qianyue
TJ10Chung Sing School 鐘聲學校6CSuen Hau Yi Lavina
TJ11Conservative Baptist Lui Ming Choi Primary School 浸信宣道會呂明才小學6FPoon Hiu Nok
TJ13HHCKLA Buddhist Wisdom Primary School 香海正覺蓮社佛教正慧小學5CChung Kam Man
TJ15Kwai Ming Wu Memorial School of the Precious Blood5ALam Tsz Ching
TJ16Ma On Shan Ling Liang Primary School 馬鞍山靈糧小學6ECheung Tsz Huen Claudia
TJ17Maryknoll Convent School(Primary Section) 瑪利諾修院學校(小學部) 5BKam Pui Lam Polly
TJ18Pentecostal Yu Leung Fat Primary School 五旬節于良發小學6ASandhu Samteg Singh
TJ19PLK Lam Man Chan English Primary School 保良局林文燦英文小學6CSandhu Prabhjot Singh
TJ20PLK Women's Welfare Club (WD) Fung Lee Pui Yiu Pri. Sch. 保良局西區婦女福利會馮李佩瑤小學5ALau Yan Ching
TJ22Po Leung Kuk Choi Kai Yau School 保良局蔡繼有學校Lee Tsz Lam Charlotte
TJ23Precious Blood Primary School (South Horizons) 海怡寶血小學6BLau Si Yau
TJ26S.K.H. Tsing Yi Chu Yan Primary School 聖公會青衣主恩小學5ENg Lok Yiu
TJ27S.K.H. Tsing Yi Estate Ho Chak Wan Primary School 聖公會青衣邨何澤芸小學5BWong Cheuk Ying
TJ28S.K.H. Yan Laap Primary School 聖公會仁立小學6EChan Ho Sum
TJ30T.W.G.Hs Ma Kam Chan Memorial Primary School東華三院馬錦燦紀念小學5ATJHANG TOI HEI
TJ31Sacred Heart Canossian School Private Section 嘉諾撒聖心學校私立部P.5Pang Nga Wai Kylie
TJ32Sham Tseng Catholic Primary School 深井天主教小學5ALeung Ka Chun
TJ33Shatin Government Primary School 沙田官立小學5BPang Sze Chai
TJ34Si Yuan School of the Precious Blood 寶血會思源學校6ATan Shun Yi
TJ35St. Bonaventure Catholic Primary School 聖文德天主教小學5ELWong Sze Wing
TJ36Stewards Pooi Kei Primary School 培基小學6DTse Ho Yeung
TJ37STFA Lee Kam Primary School 順德聯誼總會李金小學4EDilrajh Austin
TJ38STFA Wu Siu Kui Memorial Primary School 順德聯誼總會胡少渠紀念小學6AWong Yat Ching
TJ39T.W.G.Hs Sin Chu Wan Primary School 東華三院冼次雲小學6CTian Borui
TJ40T.W.G.Hs. Tang Shiu Kin Primary School 東華三院鄧肇堅小學6BWong Lok Tung
TJ41The Education University of Hong Kong Jockey Club Primary School 香港教育大學賽馬會小學5BPun Zi Xin
TJ42The Salvation Army Ann Wyllie Memorial School 救世軍韋理夫人紀念學校5ATang Ching Wang
TJ43The Salvation Army Tin Ka Ping School 救世軍田家炳學校4HHuang Wing Yiu
TJ44Tsuen Wan Public Ho Chuen Yiu Memorial Primary School 荃灣公立何傳耀紀念小學5DShum Wa Hei
TJ45Y.C.H. Chiu Tsang Hok Wan Primary School 仁濟醫院趙曾學韞小學5BHoo Gavin Vivant

2022 TOEFL Primary Best of the Best Awards in Hong Kong (Listed in no particular order):
Code School Class Name
TP02C.C.C. Kei Chun Primary School 中華基督教會基真小學P.4Fung Pak Long
TP03Christian & Missionary Alliance Sun Kei Primary School 基督教宣道會宣基小學4DChan Yui Ching
TP04Free Methodist Mei Lam Primary School 循理會美林小學4AWong Pan Tsun
TP05Holy Trinity Primary School 聖三一堂小學2ALau Ho Yiu
TP06Maryknoll Convent School (Primary Section) 瑪利諾修院學校(小學部) 4ELeung Jane Sofia
TP07Ng Clan's Association Tai Pak Memorial School 吳氏宗親總會泰伯紀念學校3AYeung Yiu Shing
TP08Po Leung Kuk Castar Primary School 保良局世德小學4DTsoi Cheuk Ling
TP09Precious Blood Primary School (South Horizons) 海怡寶血小學3DChiu Man Ho
TP10STFA Lee Kam Primary School 順德聯誼總會李金小學3BChan Chi Kiu
TP11T.W.G.Hs. Tang Shiu Kin Primary School 東華三院鄧肇堅小學4ALok Jayden
TP12The Salvation Army Tin Ka Ping School 救世軍田家炳學校4HLaw Tsz Huen
TP13TWGHs Leo Tung-hai LEE Primary School 東華三院李東海小學5ALau Pok Shek
TP14TWGHs Wong Yee Jar Jat Memorial Primary School 東華三院王余家潔紀念小學5DLiu Luyu
TP15Sam Shui Natives Association Huen King Wing School 三水同鄉會禤景榮學校Lee Horace

 Important Dates

Early June 2023
Announcement of Winners

the list of awardees will be announced on the TOEFL Best of the Best website and Smart Education’s social media channels. Awardees will also be notified via phone and e-mail.

June - July 2023
Collection of Awardees’ Feedback

Awardees are invited to share their joy of achieving the TOEFL Bests of the Bests Awards and English learning experience with online form.

School Interviews

Awardees and their schools will have a chance to be interviewed, and to share their experience in using TOEFL YSS Assessments results to facilitate learning and teaching effectiveness.

August 2023
TOEFL® Best of the Best Awards Ceremony

Awardees are invited to receive their awards in person. Below are the details of the prize presentation ceremony.

 Photos and Highlights

TOEFL Best of the Best Award Ceremony highlights TOEFL Best of the Best Award Ceremony highlights

TOEFL Best of the Best Award Ceremony highlights TOEFL Best of the Best Award Ceremony highlights

About TOEFL YSS Assessments

TOEFL YSS Assessments, including TOEFL Junior and TOEFL Primary are designed to assess the English proficiency of young students and to prepare them for future academic success. To learn more about TOEFL YSS Assessments, please visit:
TOEFL Junior:
TOEFL Primary:
If you have any enquiries, please contact us by phone (+852 2851 3822) or email (